• Sustainability Pavilion for 2020 Expo Dubai by Grimshaw

    Grimshaw puts theory into practice with its Sustainability Pavilion for the 2020 Expo in Dubai, which will have a sustainable future as a permanent legacy building. Cate St Hill talks to deputy chairman Andrew Whalley about the design

  • Urban architecture

    Grimshaw has been tackling the issues of urban architecture and what lies in the future for our cities.

  • Making connections: Grimshaw’s Fulton Centre, Manhattan

    The trains now pulling into Manhattan’s Fulton Center are several years late, but welcome nonetheless... The Grimshaw-designed transit hub, just opened, stands out in the subway system for its natural light and clear sightlines, inspired by the city’s great civic transit halls. It is certainly attracting the attention of the commuters, who are pausing to view the unique Sky Reflector-Net overhead that is bouncing light around the new spaces.